Roses before spring

Kategorie: Unkategorisiert
Diverse and beautiful The hellebore is only a supposedly exotic plant – because the early-flowering Helleborus shrubs can also be found in our native regions. Peter Janke relies on a…
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Star screwdriver

Kategorie: Worlds of experience
Erwin Fischer runs a somewhat different kind of garage in Gauting near Munich – and fulfilled his childhood dream with the official Mercedes-Benz Classic Service You smile. Almost all of…
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Water green

Kategorie: Unkategorisiert
Nature is now pulsating at the garden pond – and attracting many guests The elements attract. Water, earth and air; it must have something to do with our idea of…
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Garden architects

Kategorie: Unkategorisiert
Jan van Opstal and Jo Willems come from the stage – and have made a name for themselves in Holland as virtuoso garden architects, and not just with their Heerenhof.…
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